Predictive AI models are a powerful tool for uncovering subtle predictive relationships between observed variables. But sometimes, you need to draw conclusions about the causal relationship between two variables, not just the observed association. To achieve this "Causal AI", you can use the DataRobot platform and a quasi-experimental technique called "Inverse Propensity of Treatment Weighting". This notebook will apply this technique to data on diabetes hospital patient readmission.


This notebook outlines how to:

  1. Understand Inverse Propensity of Treatment Weighting

  2. Prepare data for a Propensity of Treatment model

  3. Fit a Propensity of Treatment model with DataRobot

  4. Calculate Inverse Propensity of Treatment Weights

  5. Evaluate the causal relationship using Inverse Propensity of Treatment Weighting

Version history
Last update:
‎01-18-2024 10:28 AM
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